July / 23 Jul, 2022

Average website conversion rates are surprisingly low. Typically this figure sits well below 5%, meaning that for every 100 visitors a site generates, only around five users choose to purchase a product or service. Knowing this, if you have an e-commerce site, it’s important to discover new ways to optimise conversion rates to maximise your sales potential. In this blog post, Kavax’s marketing team will reveal six top tips on optimising your conversion rate in 2022 and securing more e-commerce clients. So make yourself a cup of coffee, and let’s get started.


A website is the first port of call for any potential customer, so making sure that this is as efficient as possible is essential. For example, a poorly designed website can often result in a high bounce rate, as customers land on the site, but rather than browse products and services, they quickly return to the search results. This means the e-commerce design and layout are impacting performance, and this can have a detrimental impact on your ability to rank. A lower bounce rate means your target audience spends more time on your website, which increases your chance of making a sale. So, how can you make a website more efficient? Start by removing or updating slow-loading images and videos. Then use a clean and simple e-commerce design, and compress any large files. This will help the website load quickly and look more professional to a new user. You can also run an audit to identify any issues in terms of SEO and UX that can be addressed to optimise conversion rate.


Blogs are fantastic tools for implementing SEO (search engine optimisation). By creating content for SEO, using keywords and search terms that your target audience will likely be typing into the search engine, you can improve your visibility within the organic search results. Over time, this will have a positive impact on website traffic. Blog posts should inform, educate and inspire your audience and include links to products and services related to the article’s content. Maintaining a regular schedule of quality content on the blog will do wonders for a site’s online reputation.

As well as being beneficial for SEO purposes, a blog is a great way for a company to promote itself to a certain audience online. Answer your customer’s top FAQs to position your brand as an industry leader and build trust. Demonstrate how your products and services can add value to your customers to encourage more sales.


Pop-up chat windows on e-commerce sites are becoming increasingly popular these days. They work by engaging with potential customers as soon as they land on a website and act as personal interaction. They also play into our social expectation of immediacy, which has become the norm nowadays with (almost) everything available at the tip of our fingers. Being able to get a quick response as an online user can entice a customer to stay on a site for longer and will help to convert them to a sale more than a customer enquiry form would. However, we suggest that this plugin should only appear once as a pop-up to a new visitor once, so as not to overwhelm and annoy potential customers.


A company will always sing its praises, but when customers do this, customer reviews become effective for e-commerce businesses. Customer reviews and testimonials are incredibly powerful for generating new business and should be positioned within a product or service description. Customer reviews offer a sense of security and build trust for new customers, eliminating any reservation a user may have before placing an order online.

You could also include customer reviews as a rotating carousel on a site’s homepage so that they’re seen immediately when a new visitor lands on the website. Or, you could create an entire page dedicated to customer reviews on an e-commerce site instead of showing off positive reviews.


A sales funnel is the process prospective customers go through before they become fully-fledged customers. Each stage of the process builds trust between consumers and the company, with the end goal being to convert to a sale. Consider it a pitch and a way to prove why a company deserves a customer’s hard-earned money. Things to include in a sales funnel could be offering a free trial, signing customers up to a mailing list, or providing free teaser content. You will need to give something of value to potential customers first to educate them about your products and services. For example, here in Kavax, we offer a free consultation session to each customer in order for them to know more about our services and choose the most suitable package for them. 

A sales funnel doesn’t just help in the present moment, but it also helps businesses to learn more about consumer behaviour. With this information, a company can better tailor its offering in the future. The insights gained from how long consumers stay in the different sales funnel stages can help improve digital marketing efforts and messaging for future campaigns and product launches.


Similar to customer reviews, offering a money-back guarantee automatically gives a prospective customer a sense of security while shopping online. It shows that a company genuinely believes in their products and services, and a purchase feels like a risk-free opportunity. Moreover, the guarantee promotes a better user experience, which will likely improve customer retention rates. Remember, happy customers will become loyal and highly valuable repeat customers. So, even when a product or service falls short of expectations, a customer can still walk away from the interaction happy and content, open to giving a company another try in the future. This is the biggest benefit of a money-back guarantee for e-commerce businesses.

These tips only scratch the surface of what’s possible with conversion rate optimisation, but they’re a great place to start when trying to gain more e-commerce clients. While these are tried and tested methods, for each company, there’s going to be a certain amount of trial and error when implementing them effectively, so don’t be disheartened if results don’t come pouring in from the very first attempt. Enjoy the process and, most importantly, good luck!

Also if you’d like your SEO and sales conversions to be done by a professional, click here to see our services.

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