Promotional Teaser Promotional Teaser
Push viewers to check out your products by creating the most creative teasers
most people would rather watch a video to learn about a new product and that makes promo videos the bread and butter of top-of-funnel marketing campaigns.
Services Include:
Goal identification
Goal identification
Outlining the idea
Outlining the idea
Direction choice
Direction choice
Brand tone setting
Brand tone setting
Script writing
Script writing
Final details
Final details
Our Development Technologies:
Adobe premiere pro
Adobe premiere pro
Adobe after effects
Adobe after effects
Autodesk maya
Autodesk maya
Unreal engine
Unreal engine
Final cut pro
Final cut pro
Promotional Teaser

Like a movie trailer, a promo video is a mini commercial with the goal of pushing viewers to check out a product, service, event, or content asset. Also known as hype videos and teaser videos, the main purpose of a promo video is to entice people to learn more.

Promo videos drive traffic. They’re like big flashing signs pointing viewers to your website or landing pages. Naturally, brand awareness goes hand in hand with these videos that live at the top of your marketing funnel.
Great promo videos are highly shareable and quickly summarize a product or service while creating buzz and generating leads.

When given the choice between text and video, most people would rather watch a video to learn about a new product. People love to watch, and that makes promo videos the bread and butter of top-of-funnel marketing campaigns.