Blog Shape Five Reasons Why Your Startup Needs an App Embracing Mobile Marketing
May / 19 May, 2022
Five Reasons Why Your Startup Needs an App Embracing Mobile Marketing

On average, people spend more than four hours every day on their smartphones. This works up to around 120 hours each month. If you keep adding up how much time a person spends on their smartphone each year, you'll arrive at around 1,500 hours. This creates a significant potential for marketers, which many are still unaware of.

Apps occupy a significant portion of people's smartphone time. In addition, in-app use has been gradually increasing since 2012. Apps now account for much more time spent on mobile devices than mobile browsers.

With this in mind, it should be obvious why having a mobile app is critical. However, if you're still not convinced, keep reading.

Put Your Brand in the Hands of Consumers

While this varies according to the sort of company, an app outperforms the "traditional method" of doing things when it comes to overall user involvement. After all, applications are instantaneously started. There is no delay in the loading of online pages.

What matters is how an app functions, behaves and appears. Your app serves as a business card, a follow-up call, and a source of corporate information.

Push Notifications and Their Power

Whether you utilise push notifications to alert people about a new feature or product, they are an excellent method to spread the word. Additionally, you can be certain that you will reach your desired target audience in a way that no other solution can.

Bear in mind that some people regard push notifications as pushy if the material included inside them is irrelevant. If you start pushing your sales, you will lose – avoid this at all costs.

You Don't Have to Be a Superstar Overnight

Believe it or not, you can design an excellent app for just about any purpose. Be imaginative and value-driven in your advertising efforts if you own a business of your own! You must ensure that it is both attractive and functional.

Remember that even the best app may not become a huge hit right away. An app's promotion and improvement are time-consuming processes that require time to complete.

Gathering Valuable User Data

You can utilise heat mapping, session recordings, data recordings, site analytics, and even bounce rate to understand your customers' actions if you have a website. Appsee (currently known as 'The XC Lead') is one qualitative mobile analytics app that does provide these useful capabilities. Mixpanel, AppAnalytics, and other Google products also provide several options.

Demonstrate to Potential Customers You're at the forefront of technological innovation

While not having an app does not imply you are not cutting-edge, if you can go mobile-first in your field, you will be considered more inventive than others. This is particularly true when the software is motivated by a concept.

The greatest method to design an app that your users will enjoy is through trial and error. In the long term, having an app will promote interaction and develop more devoted clients.

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